SUMMARYThe celebrated laboratory experiment of Plumb and McEwan (J. Atmos. Sci. 1978; 35:1827-1839 represents a dynamical analogue to the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), the dominant variability in the equatorial stratosphere. The experiment demonstrates the in uence of small-scale uctuations on the long-time behaviour of larger-scale ows. In the direct numerical simulation of the laboratory experiment Wedi and Smolarkiewicz (Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 2005; 47:1369 -1374 showed the occurrence of a number of internal gravity wave processes: wave re ection, wave-wave-mean ow interaction, critical-layer formation and subsequent wave breaking, all of which are found in the atmosphere. Here, a comprehensive investigation of the energetics of wave-driven mean ow oscillations is presented. The analysis conÿrms the accurate incorporation of the external forcing in the simulation, utilizing a generalized time-dependent coordinate transformation. An available potential energy analysis (J. Fluid Mech. 1995; 289:115 -128) is used to assess the process of uid mixing and potential to kinetic energy exchange in wave-mean ow interactions. The results aid to clarify the physical mechanisms as well as the role of numerical dissipation for the onset and the development of zonal mean zonal ow oscillations and distinguish the accuracy of particular numerical choices for the simulation of wavedriven ow phenomena, i.e. ux-form Eulerian or semi-Lagrangian advection algorithms. Copyright KEY WORDS: QBO; wave-wave and wave-mean ow interaction; wave breaking; turbulence; direct numerical simulation; MPDATA; ux-form ÿnite volume; advective-form semiLagrangian; energy budget; reversible and irreversible energy ux