In this paper we are mainly concerned with DW rings, i.e., rings in which every ideal is a w-ideal. We give some new classes of DW rings and we show how the concept of DW domains is used to characterize Prüfer domains and Dedekind domains. Namely, we prove that a ring is a Prüfer domain (resp., Dedekind domain) if and only if it a coherent (resp., Noetherian) DW domain with finite weak global dimension. (2010): 13D05, 13D07, 13H05 A commutative ring is called a DW ring if every ideal of R is a w-ideal. Over a domain this last definition coincides with the definition of DW domain in [16]. In Section 2, we give some new classes of DW rings. Section 3 gives new characterizations of Krull domains, Dedekind domains and PvMDs. Throughout, all rings considered are commutative with unity and all modules are unital. Let R be a ring and M be an R-module. As usual, we use pd R (M ), id R (M ), and fd R (M ) to denote, respectively, the classical projective dimension, injective dimension, and flat dimension of M , and wdim(R) and gldim(R) to denote, respectively, the weak and global homological dimensions of R.
Mathematics Subject Classification
On DW ringsLet w-Max(R) denote the set of w-ideals of R maximal among proper integral w-ideals of R (maximal w-ideals). By [25, Proposition 3.8], every maximal w-ideal is prime. Let M and N be R-modules and let f : M → N be a homomorphism.