The precision with which the stress intensity factor (SIF) can be calculated from a finite element solution depends essentially on the extraction method and on the discretization error. In this paper, the influence of the discretization error in the SIF calculation was studied and a method for estimating the resulting error was developed. The SIF calculation method used is based on a shape design sensitivity analysis; this assures that the resulting error in the extracted SIF depends solely on the global discretization error present in the finite element solution. Moreover, this method allows us to extend the Zienkiewicz-Zhu discretization error estimator to the SIF calculation. The reliability of the proposed method was analysed solving a two-dimensional problem using an h-adaptive process. Also the convergence of the error with the h-adaptive refinement was studied. NOMENCLATURE a = crack length a, = design variable D = stress-strain relationship matrix (elasticity matrix) E, E' = elasticity modulus (plane stress and plane strain) 11 ecXfu, 11, /I eol(u) 11 = energy norm (and its estimation) of the exact error in displacements e,,(#,, ecx(K,), e,,,, e,,,,) = exact error in Y (in K,) and estimated error in Y (in K,) F = equivalent applied nodal force vector Y-, Yfc, Yes = strain energy release rate (exact, finite element and estimated solutions) h = element size IJI =determinant of the Jacobian matrix (isoparametric elements) K = stiffness matrix ne = number of elements p = degree of the complete polynomial used in the displacement interpolation N = number of degrees of freedom R = ratio of qa(, to q&") U =nodal displacement vector Kkx, Kwe, K,, = stress intensity factor, mode I, (exact, finite element and estimated solutions) hx, ufs = displacement field (exact and finite element solutions) II h x 11, II Ufe II =energy norm of 4 . x and of Ufe 11 hs 11 = estimated energy norm of u, q,,(,), vex(*, qes(u), qoa(g) =exact relative error in u (in 9) and estimated relative error in u (in 9) qM(Kl), qax(KIw, = estimated relative error in K , and exact relative error in K,, &, B, , , B, , , , = effectivity index of the error in u, in 9 and in K, I = constant which characterizes the intensity of a singularity v = Poisson ratio 5, = sensitivity of the squared energy norm with respect to a, l 7 = total potential energy tex, tfa = sensitivity of the squared energy norm (exact and finite element solutions) uex, ufc = stress field (exact solution and finite element solution) 813 814 J. FUENMAYOR et al. u* = improved stress field = convergence rate for qcx(yI) 62, 62, =domain on which the problem is defined and local domain of one finite element