Two-point correlators represented by either perturbative or non-perturbative integral equations in Euclidean space are considered. In general, it is difficult to determine the analytic structure of arbitrary correlators analytically. When relying on numerical methods to evaluate the analytic structure, exact predictions of, e.g., branch point locations (i.e., the multiparticle threshold) provide a useful check. These branch point locations can be derived by Cutkosky's cut rules. However, originally they were derived in Minkowski space for propagators with real masses and are thus not directly applicable in Euclidean space and for propagators of a more general form. Following similar considerations that led Karplus et al., Landau and Cutkosky more than 50 years ago to the mass summation formula that became known as Cutkosky's cut rules, we show how the position of branch points can be derived analytically in Euclidean space from propagators of very general form.