In aircraft wings, aileron mass parameter presents a tremendous effect on the velocity and frequency of the flutter problem. For that purpose, we present the optimization of a composite design wing with an aileron, using machine-learning approach. Mass properties and its distribution have a great influence on the multi-variate optimization procedure, based on speed and frequency of flutter. First, flutter speed was obtained to estimate aileron impact. Additionally mass-equilibrated and other features were investigated. It can deduced that changing the position and mass properties of the aileron are tangible following the speed and frequency of the wing flutter. Based on the proposed optimization method, the best position of the aileron is determined for the composite wing to postpone flutter instability and decrease the existed stress. The represented coupled aero-structural model is emerged from subsonic aerodynamics model, which has been developed using the panel method in multidimensional space. The structural modeling has been conducted by finite element method, using the p-k method. The fluid -structure equations are solved and the results are extracted.