“…The September 2014 release of the cancer screening data from the NCI reported over 350 organotin complexes with potential anticancer activity. [2] Generally, the tin (Sn) atom of organotin complexes with the formula RSnL covalently binds to one (or more) organic alkyl or aryl group, R, or ligand, L. An organotin Table 2 [ 17,18,20,26] 3 [19,21,26,27] 4 - [19,20] 5 - [19,20] 6 - [19] 8 - [20,28] 9 - [20] 10 - [29,30] 11 - [30] 12 >1,000 -- [32] 17 >1,000 -- [33] 19 - [41,42] 27 - [41,42] 29 - [44] 34 - [44] 35 >1,000 -- [46] 37 >1,000 -- [46] 40 42 [a] Figure 2…”