Abstract.We prove that union ultrafilters are essentially the same as strongly summable ultrafilters but ordered-union ultrafilters are not. We also prove that the existence of ultrafilters of these sorts implies the existence of P-points and therefore cannot be established in ZFC.I. Introduction. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the connections between the strongly summable ultrafilters introduced in [9] and the union ultrafilters and ordered-union ultrafilters introduced in [3]. We show that strongly summable ultrafilters and union ultrafilters are essentially the same in that every ultrafilter of either sort is isomorphic to one of the other sort via an isomorphism that (almost everywhere) respects the operations of summation and union. We also show that the existence of such ultrafilters, deduced in [9, 3] from the continuum hypothesis (CH) or Martin's axiom (MA), cannot be deduced in ZFC alone, for it implies the existence of P-point ultrafilters. Finally, we show that union ultrafilters and ordered-union ultrafilters are not essentially equivalent; we construct, using CH or MA, a union ultrafilter that is not isomorphic to any ordered-union ultrafilter via an isomorphism that respects unions.For any set A of natural numbers, let FS(^4) be the set of all sums of nonempty finite subsets of A. An ultrafilter on the set w of natural numbers is strongly summable if it has a base consisting of sets of the form FS(^), with A infinite.We write F for the set of all finite nonempty subsets of to. For A QF, let FU(^) be the set of all unions of nonempty finite subsets of A. An ultrafilter on F is a