The infrared formula relates the Schur index of a 4d N = 2 theory to its wallcrossing invariant, a.k.a. BPS monodromy. A further extension of this formula, proposed by Córdova, Gaiotto and Shao, includes contributions by various types of line and surface defects. We study BPS monodromies in the presence of vortex surface defects of arbitrary vorticity for general class S theories of type A 1 engineered by UV curves with at least one regular puncture. The trace of these defect BPS monodromies is shown to coincide with the action of certain q-difference operators acting on the trace of the (pure) 4d BPS monodromy. We use these operators to develop a "bootstrap" (of traces) of BPS monodromies, relying only on their infrared properties, thereby reproducing the very general ultraviolet characterization of the Schur index.A relation between Schur indices and BPS monodromies was conjectured in [23], following 6 See also [45], for some results of an IR formula for the lens index. 9 The "no-exotics" property asserts that BPS states have R = 0 in 4d N = 2 gauge theories [33,54,55]. 10 In practice, BPS spectra at arbitrary moduli can be rather involved, and by moving onto a "simple" sector of the theory, in which one can explicitly compute the protected spin character, the wall-crossing formulae allow to extract the BPS degeneracies in other sectors. the latter reference are precisely the "vortex defects" considered in [31] via the Higgsing procedure (see also Appendix A.3), and in the present paper via the IR formalism.