The dynamic critical stress intensity factor of a propagating crack was measured from the time-dependent shear force at the loading end of a rapidly wedged double cantilever beam specimen. The product of the shear force and the square root of the loading time for a specimen constrained to constant displacementrate opening is uniquely related to the critical bending moment at the crack tip during crack propagation. Static compliance measurements on side-grooved DCB specimens were incorporated into a dynamic Bernoulli-Euler beam, crack propagation model by a crack length shift at a fixed compliance value. This shift does not affect the magnitude of the critical bending moment at the crack tip, predicted by the simple beam model, when the load and the load point displacement are the measured variables. Details of analysis of the time varying shear force are given including: the rigidity of the contact between the wedge and the specimen; the dynamic critical stress intensity values versus crack velocity for Ti-6A1-4V and AISI 1018 cold-rolled steel.
I. IntroductionThe double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen has been used as a model to analyze crack propagation in solids [1-9] and to experimentally study dynamic fracture of metals [10][11][12][13][14][15]. In the majority of the experimental work the crack is intensionally blunted before the fracture starts to store a relatively large amount of energy in the sample. The stored energy is converted into kinetic and fracture surface energy during the dynamic fracture event. In the rapidly wedged DCB specimen, which is used in this investigation, energy is continuously supplied to the test specimen by the loading force and the initial starting crack is relatively sharp.Recently, solutions for beam analysis with inertia terms in the equation of crack motion are available both analytically [5, 6] and numerically [7,9]. The dynamic analysis of the beam is used to relate measurable quantities before, during or after the crack propagation event to the specific fracture surface energy of the solid, R, during crack propagation. In the beam analyses, the dynamic strain energy release rate, ~D at the crack tip end of the beam equals R = AK~D/E (1 -v:) with KID the dynamic stress intensity factor during crack propagation, E Young's modulus, v Poisson's ratio and A a function that approaches 1 for crack speeds much less than the speed of elastic waves. In this paper, A will set equal to 1.The fracture criterion of the rapidly wedged DCB dynamic analysis [6] is that a critical bending moment, M*, at the crack tip of the beam propagates the crack. M*,