Background: abT cells have a wide distribution of CD3 membrane density. The aim of this article was to evaluate the significance of the CD3 differential expression on T cell subsets. Analysis was performed on healthy donors and renal transplant patients by flow cytometry. The results obtained are: (1) CD3 expression was widely distributed (CV 5 38.3 6 3.1 to 43 6 2.3%). (2) The CD4, CD8, CD45 and forward scatter were similarly distributed. (3) The diversity of CD3 expression was directly related to the clonotypes: c9, non c9 from cdT cells and Vb clonotype from abT cells (e.g., Vb3FITC 7,980 6 1,628 Vb8PE: Vb20-FITC 11,768 6 1,510). (4) Using a computer simulation, we could confirm differential kinetics of T cell activation according to the initial parameters. Finally, in vitro activation was significantly higher on Vb8 and Vb9 (high CD3) compared with Vb2 and Vb3 (low CD3, P 5 0.040-0.0003).