Based on a two dimensional (2D) self-consistent model, the effect of different CF4 concentrations on the discharge dynamics characteristics, F-containing species distribution and the distribution of the axial and radial ionization rates of He atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) has been investigated. In addition, the accuracy of the simulation is verified by comparing the experimental results. The ionization rate of He APPJ enhances with the increase of CF4 from 0 to 2% because of the Penning ionization of CF4 with metastable He while decreases in the case of 3% CF4 owing to the electronegativity and the electron excitation energy loss of CF4. The increase of CF4 concentration and the decrease of the electron density leads to the decrease of CF4+ density at 3%CF4. CF3+ density is determined by the Penning ionization rate of CF4 and the reaction rate of He+ + CF4 → CF3+ + F + He. As CF4 concentration increases from 2% to 3%, the decrease of metastable He and He+ concentration results in the significant decrease of CF3+ density. The densities of CF3⁻ and F⁻ keep increasing from 1% to 3%CF4 due to the effect of the electron attachment reaction of CF4. With the addition of CF4, the ionization reaction of CF4 is gradually playing the major role in the streamer head, the Penning ionization of CF4 is the main source of electron ionization inside the jet and dominates in the formation of ionization wave tail. As the concentration of CF4 increases from 0 to 2%, the electron impact ionization rates of He and CF4 near the axis increase, resulting in the more uniform radial ionization rate distribution of He + 2%CF4 APPJ.