centration was estimated on the basis of equation 10, to give an approximate value of 2 X 10-3 l.2 mole-2 sec.-1 for k¡, at 30°.Values for the rate constants k-¡ and ki were obtained at 10, 20, 30 and 40°. These results are summarized in Table IV along with the energies of Table IV Summary of the Rate Constants at Various Temperatures AND OF THE ENTHALPIES AND ENTROPIES OF ACTIVA-Temp., °C. Equation 2°Equation 36 kc 10 (2.6 dr 0.2)10-2 (0.86 ± 0.01)10-= kc 20 o -H CO (2.2 ± ,l)10-= k°30(9.9 ± .3)10-2 (6.7 ± ,2)10-= kc 40 (13.8 ± 1.2)10-2 (14.3 ± .4)10-= ±, kcal.10.6 16.15±, e.u.
30-28.2 -24.6 " The units of fe2 are l.2 mole-2 sec.1. 6 The units of kz are 1. mole-1 sec. l. = The measure of the precision is the standard deviation of the average values used.