“…, n satisfy the conditions on S β from (1) and ( 2), then the strongest contracting property in {X i } n i =1 would dominate the statistical laws of the random system. (II) In the condition (1), the assumption that τ α and S β are C 1 can be relaxed to the following condition: there are families of countable open subintervals {I L n } n and {I R n } n , with the closure of their union being X, such that, for ν A -almost every α ∈ A and ν B -almost every β ∈ B, τ α and S β are C 1 on I L n and I R n , respectively for each n. Hence some (but not all) examples from [30] are also in sight of the present paper. (III) In the above conditions (1) and (2), we do not exclude Recall that for a Markov operator P, a measure µ over (X, B) is called an absolutely continuous (resp.…”