We show that any positive energy projective representation of Diff + (S 1 ) extends to a strongly continuous projective unitary representation of the fractional Sobolev diffeomorphisms D s (S 1 ) for any real s > 3, and in particular to C k -diffeomorphisms Diff k + (S 1 ) with k ≥ 4. A similar result holds for the universal covering groups provided that the representation is assumed to be a direct sum of irreducibles.As an application we show that a conformal net of von Neumann algebras on S 1 is covariant with respect to D s (S 1 ), s > 3. Moreover every direct sum of irreducible representations of a conformal net is also D s (S 1 )-covariant. * Supported in part by ERC advanced grant 669240 QUEST "Quantum Algebraic Structures and Models" and GNAMPA-INDAM.† Supported by ERC advanced grant 669240 QUEST "Quantum Algebraic Structures and Models". ‡ Supported by Programma per giovani ricercatori, anno 2014 "Rita Levi Montalcini" of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.