“…This expected discounted penalty, by now known as the Gerber-Shiu function, has been frequently and recursively studied in settings of increasing generality as well as being the named theme of two international workshops in 2006 and 2008. Although far from exhaustive on account of the sheer volume of relevant literature, a list of key papers which pertains to generalizations of the Cramér-Lundberg process includes for example Dickson (1992Dickson ( , 1993, Shiu (1997, 1998), Gerber and Landry (1998), Lin and Willmot (1999), Yang and Zhang (2001), Cai and Dickson (2002), Tsai and Willmot (2002), Cai (2004), Garrido and Morales (2006), Morales (2007) and Morales and Olivares (2008). The general setting which fits all of these papers is to model the risk process as having stationary and independent increments with no positive jumps.…”