This paper discusses the efficiency of several DR/BEM formulations and other boundary techniques for the eigenvalue extraction of two-dimensional acoustic cavities. First, the paper shows that the wellknown conical radial basis functions lead to extremely ill conditioning results in cases that the height of the cone is not properly chosen. Moreover, the accuracy of other known high-degree basis functions is tested. Second, the use of Pascal's triangle is proposed as a better approximation of the inertial forces at least for the case of rectangular domains. Using Gordon's blending-function formula, a systematic procedure is proposed for the selection of the proper monomials. Third, it is shown that the aforementioned functional set can be also used to establish an alternative boundary-type method where both inertial and static terms are treated in a consistent manner. The solution quality of these formulations is investigated by calculating the eigenvalues of a rectangular and a circular acoustic cavity where analytical solutions are known.