The high field magnetization and magnetotransport measurements are carried out to determine the critical superconducting parameters of MgB 2−x C x system. The synthesized samples are pure phase and the lattice parameter evaluation is carried out using the Rietveld refinement. The R − T͑H͒ measurements are done up to a field of 140 kOe. The upper critical field values, H c2 , are obtained from these data based on the criterion of 90% of normal resistivity, i.e., H c2 = H at which =90% N , where N is the normal resistivity, i.e., resistivity of about 40K in our case. The Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg prediction of H c2 ͑0͒ underestimates the critical field value even below the field up to which measurement is carried out. After this model, the Ginzburg-Landau theory is applied to the R − T͑H͒ data which not only calculate the H c2 ͑0͒ value but also determine the dependence of H c2 on temperature in the low temperature high field region. The estimated H c2 ͑0͒ = 157.2 kOe for pure MgB 2 is profoundly enhanced to 297.5 kOe for the x = 0.15 sample in MgB 2−x C x series. Magnetization measurements are done up to 120 kOe at different temperatures and the other parameters such as irreversibility field H irr and critical current density J c ͑H͒ are also calculated. The nano carbon doping results in substantial enhancement of critical parameters such as H c2 , H irr , and J c ͑H͒ in comparison to the pure MgB 2 sample.