The article investigates the university social responsibility and the conditions in which the implementation of social functions carried out by higher education institutions can be possible. Models of interaction between society and universities are presented: the model of «civic university», which means the interaction of university, local community and local government, and the model of «quadruple spiral of innovation», which means a high degree of interaction between universities, business, government and society in various organizational forms. In the conditions of societal changes Ukrainian universities are gradually adapting their organizational mission to expand the list of functions, including those that meet the principles of social responsibility.
To analyze the social responsibility of Ukrainian HEIs, a case method was applied, to analyze public materials of Mariupol State University. This university was chosen for research for a number of reasons: the institution is integrated into the life of the local community, city and region; the institution has successful experience of cooperation with local authorities and local NGOs; the university has educational programs in the humanities, social sciences and public administration; MSU staff and students are involved in many local community initiatives.
To study the degree of interaction between the university and the local community, the representatives of local NGOs were interviewed. They, on the one hand, confirmed the hypothesis of the study that cooperation between HEIs and NGOs increases the ability of both social actors to respond to current local needs of communities, but outlined the main problems of this interaction, which are characteristic of most HEIs of the country: a high degree of bureaucracy, focusing on the provision of educational services and research, projects related to the infrastructure of the institution and its international presence. It is concluded that the policy of isolationism of Ukrainian HEIs inhibits the adaptation of the «civic university» model and the “quadruple spiral of innovation” model in Ukrainian society.