We prove the existence and asymptotic expansion of a large class of solutions to nonlinear Helmholtz equations of the formwhere ∆ = − j ∂ 2 j is the Laplacian on R n with sign convention that it is positive as an operator, λ is a positive real number, and N [u] is a nonlinear operator that is a sum of monomials of degree ≥ p in u, u and their derivatives of order up to two, for some p ≥ 2. Nonlinear Helmholtz eigenfunctions with N [u] = ±|u| p−1 u were first considered by Gutiérrez [10]. Such equations are of interest in part because, for certain nonlinearities N [u], they furnish standing waves for nonlinear evolution equations, that is, solutions that are time-harmonic.We show that, under the condition (p − 1)(n − 1)/2 > 2 and k > (n − 1)/2, for every f ∈ H k+2 (S n−1 ) of sufficiently small norm, there is a nonlinear Helmholtz function taking the form u(r, ω) = r −(n−1)/2 e −iλr f (ω) + e +iλr g(ω) + O(r − ) , as r → ∞, > 0, for some g ∈ H k (S n−1 ). Moreover, we prove the result in the general setting of asymptotically conic manifolds. The proof uses an elaboration of anisotropic Sobolev spaces X s,l ± , Y s,l ± , defined by Vasy [32], between which the Helmholtz operator ∆ − λ 2 acts invertibly. These spaces have a variable spatial weight l ± , varying in phase space and distinguising between the two 'radial sets' corresponding to incoming oscillations, e −iλr , and outgoing oscillations e +iλr . Our spaces have, in addition, module regularity with respect to two different 'test modules', and have algebra (or pointwise multiplication) properties which allow us to treat nonlinearities N [u] of the form specified above.