In wireless power transfer systems, if the driver is not capable of dynamically adapt its own switching frequency, small environmental changes or even slight deviations in circuit parameters may prevent the complete system from working properly when the optimal resonance frequency moves towards new values. In this paper, we propose an adaptive system suitable for underwater wireless applications in sea water. The output voltage is regulated using the wireless power link, avoiding the need for additional wireless interfaces. Our complete system includes the power driver, coupling coils, rectifier, and two micro-controllers. The regulation is accomplished by digital load modulation, observable at the input by means of current sensing at the power supply. Experimental results demonstrate a class-D driver with a series-series resonant topology working in saline water, delivering power between 1.6 and 2.4 W. The regulated voltage is 7.5 V with error less than 7.2 % in the load range of 30 to 37 Ω and 6 to 10 V power supply variation. The switching frequency is adjusted within the range of 7 kHz deviation (-7%).