Subjecting some chilling-sensitive commodities to various moderate stresses can cause them to acquire resistance to chilling injury. Jasrnonates have been implicated in playing an integral role in the signal transduction cascade that operates in plants to induce responses to stress. Therefore, it was hypothesized that exogenous application of jasrnonic acid or methyl jasmonate to chilling-sensitive commodities might replace the moderate stress treatment and reduce their chilling symptoms. To test this hypothesis, three chilling-susceptible fruits, avocado (Persea americana Mill., cvs. Hass, Etinger, and Fuerte), grapefruit (Citrus paradisi cv. Marsh seedless), and red bell pepper (Capsicum annum cv. Maor), were treated with various concentrations of methyl jasmonate prior to 4-10 weeks of storage at 2°C. Results show that methyl jasmonate dipping (for 30 s) of avocado 'Fuerte' and 'Hass' (2.5 pM), avocado 'Etinger' or grapefruit (10 pM), and red bell pepper fruits (25 pM) significantly reduced both the severity of their chilling injury symptoms and the percentage of injured fruits. Application of methyl jasrnonate by gassing for 24 h was similarly effective. In avocado 'Etinger', methyl jasmonate dipping was effective in alleviating chilling injury either after immediate storage at 2OC or after the fruits had been held for 1 day at 20°C prior to their storage at 2OC. The results suggest that methyl jasmonate, which is receiving renewed biological interest as a potentially important signaling molecule in plants, might mediate the plant's natural response to chilling stress, and by its application might provide a simple means to reduce chilling injuries in chilling-susceptible commodities.
Risumi: Le fait de soumettre certaines denrtes sensibles au froid B divers stress modtrCs peut les arnener B dCvelopper une rtsistance aux dommages par le froid. Les auteurs ont formulC l'hypothkse qu'une application exogene d'acide jasmonique, ou de jasmonate de rnCthyl, B des denrCes sensibles aux dommages par le froid, pourrait remplacer le traitement par des stress modtrts et rCduire les syrnptBrnes de refroidissement. Afin de vtrifier cette hypothese, trois fruits sensibles au froid, l'avocado (Persea americana Mill., cvs. Hass, Etinger et Fuerte), le pamplemousse (Citrus paradisi cv. Marsh seedless), et le pirnent doux rouge (Capsicum annum cv. Maor), ont Ctt traitCs avec diverses concentrations de jasmonate de mtthyl, avant de les conserver pendant 4-10 sernaines B 2°C. Les rtsultats montrent que l'imrnersion dans le jasmonate de mtthyl (pendant 30 s) des fruits d'avocados 'Fuerte' et 'Haas' (2,5 pM), d'avocado 'Etinger' ou de pamplemousse (10 pM), et de pirnent doux rouge (25 pM) rtduit significativement la gravitC des symptBmes de refroidissement et le pourcentage des fruits endommagks. L'application du jasmonate de rntthyl sous forme gazeuse pendant 24 h est Cgalement efficace. Chez l'avocado 'Etinger' l'imrnersion dans le jasmonate de methyl est efficace B prCvenir les dommages par le froid, qu'elle soit suivie irnrntd...