Wall's theorem on arithmetic progressions says that if 0.a1a2a3 . . . is normal, then for any k, ℓ ∈ N, 0.a k a k+ℓ a k+2ℓ . . . is also normal. We examine a converse statement and show that if 0.an 1 an 2 an 3 . . . is normal for periodic increasing sequences n1 < n2 < n3 < . . . of asymptotic density arbitrarily close to 1, then 0.a1a2a3 . . . is normal. We show this is close to sharp in the sense that there are numbers 0.a1a2a3 . . . that are not normal, but for which 0.an 1 an 2 an 3 . . . is normal along a large collection of sequences whose density is bounded a little away from 1.