A. Let d1, . . . , dc be positive integers and let Y ⊆ P n be the monomial complete intersection defined by the vanishing of x d 1 1 , . . . , x dc c . For each Hilbert polynomial p(ζ) we construct a distinguished point in the Hilbert scheme Hilb p(ζ) (Y ), called the expansive point. We develop a theory of expansive ideals, and show that they play for Hilbert polynomials the same role lexicographic ideals play for Hilbert functions. For instance, expansive ideals maximize number of generators and syzygies, they form descending chains of inclusions, and exhibit an extremal behavior with respect to hyperplane sections. Conjecturally, expansive subschemes provide uniform sharp upper bounds for the syzygies of subschemes Z ∈ Hilb p(ζ) (X) for all complete intersections X = X(d1, . . . , dc) ⊆ P n . In some cases, the expansive point achieves extremal Betti numbers for the infinite free resolutions associated to subschemes in Hilb p(ζ) (Y ). Our approach is new even in the special case Y = P n , where it provides several novel results and a simpler proof of a theorem of Murai and the first author.