Publication costs assisted by Madison CollegeThe recombination of chlorine atoms in the presence of various chaperons has been studied over the range 195-373°K using kinetic spectroscopy. The rate coefficients obtained, in M -2 sec-l units and expressed as kM = A exp(E/RT) or log kM = B + C log T, were kHe = 1.47 x lo9 exp(260 f 10IRT) or log kHe = 10.55 f 0.12 -(0.48 f 0.009) log T; k~~ = 1.26 X lo9 exp(660 f 20/RT) or log k~~ = 12.74 f 0.26 -(1.27 f 0.02) log T; kAr = 2.5 x los exp(1800 f 50/RT) or log kAr = 18.62 f 0.60 -(3.59 f 0.05) log T; k N z = 5.8 X lo8 exp(1600 f 140/RT) or log kNz = 15.61 f 0.65 -(2.32 f 0.02) log T; ksF6 = 2.4 x lo9 exp(970 f 100/RT) or log ksF6 = 13.72 f 0.76 -(1.47 f 0.02) log T; kCFi = l.62 x log exp(1200 f 200/RT) or log kCF4 = 14.43 f 1.36 -(1.77 f 0.04) log T; kcoz = 1.56 x 109 exp(1500 f 200/RT) or log kcOz = 15.75 f 0.60 -(2.22 f 0.018) log T. Where comparison values are available they are in good agreement with the results of this investigation. The values reported here are compared with the available data for iodine and bromine atom recombination.