The abundance, vertical distribution, and diversity of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (AAP) were studied at four basins of the Baltic Sea. AAP were enumerated by infrared epifluorescence microscopy, and their diversity was analyzed by using pufM gene clone libraries. In addition, numbers of CFU containing the pufM gene were determined, and representative strains were isolated. Both approaches indicated that AAP reached maximal abundance in the euphotic zone. Maximal AAP abundance was 2.5 ؋ 10 5 cells ml ؊1 (11% of total prokaryotes) or 1.0 ؋ 10 3 CFU ml ؊1 (9 to 10% of total CFU). Environmental pufM clone sequences were grouped into 11 operational taxonomic units phylogenetically related to cultivated members of the Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria. In spite of varying pufM compositions, five clones were present in all libraries. Of these, Jannaschia-related clones were always found in relative abundances representing 25 to 30% of the total AAP clones. The abundances of the other clones varied. Clones potentially affiliated with typical freshwater Betaproteobacteria sequences were present at three Baltic Sea stations, whereas clones grouping with Loktanella represented 40% of the total cell numbers in the Gotland Basin. For three alphaproteobacterial clones, probable pufM phylogenetic relationships were supported by 16S rRNA gene analyses of Baltic AAP isolates, which showed nearly identical pufM sequences. Our data indicate that the studied AAP assemblages represented a mixture of marine and freshwater taxa, thus characterizing the Baltic Sea as a "melting pot" of abundant, polyphyletic aerobic photoheterotrophic bacteria.Aerobic bacteriochlorophyll a-producing bacteria, or so-called aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (AAP), are strict aerobes, carrying out a photoheterotrophic metabolism. They require organic substrates for growth, but they can supplement a significant portion of their metabolic requirements by light-derived energy (8,16,26,31,39). AAP were discovered in the Bay of Tokyo by Shiba et al. (34) in 1970s. Later, their wide distribution in marine environments was documented by infrared (IR) kinetic fluorometry (16, 18), IR epifluorescence microscopy (IREM) (9,14,19,23,33) and pigment analyses (12), as well as cultivation-based (1, 15, 38) and genetic (3, 5, 13, 28, 41) studies. The planktonic bacterial assemblages are known to contain various AAP groups belonging to Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria (41). Microscopic analyses have shown that AAP abundances vary in different environments from 0 to 24% of total prokaryotes (9, 21, 33).The ecological role of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophy is still unclear. A recent study suggested that AAP significantly contribute to bacterial production in oligotrophic oceans (17). Their ability to use light energy in addition to respiration could provide them an advantage over their heterotrophic bacterial relatives (2). In contrast, Schwalbach et al. (32) found no effect of light on microbial community structure. Clearly, more data on AA...