For a matroid M of rank r on n elements, let b(M ) denote the fraction of bases of M among the subsets of the ground set with cardinality r. We show thatfor asymptotically almost all matroids M on n elements. We derive that asymptotically almost all matroids on n elements (1) have a U k,2k -minor, whenever k ≤ O(log(n)), (2) have girth ≥ Ω(log(n)), (3) have Tutte connectivity ≥ Ω( log(n)), and (4) do not arise as the truncation of another matroid.Our argument is based on a refined method for writing compressed descriptions of any given matroid, which allows bounding the number of matroids in a class relative to the number of sparse paving matroids.Conjecture 1.1. As n → ∞, asymptotically almost all matroids on n elements are sparse paving.If this conjecture were true, then several other asymptotic properties of matroids would follow with little extra work, as it would suffice to establish the property for almost all sparse paving matroids. For example, almost all sparse paving matroids contain a fixed uniform matroid, are highly connected, have high girth, and the analogous statements for general matroids would follow. We next describe our intuition supporting Conjecture 1.1, which we partially substantiated to obtain the results of this paper.Consider the Johnson graph J(E, r), whose vertices are the subsets of E of cardinality r, and in which two vertices X, Y are adjacent exactly if |X ∩ Y | = r − 1. The Johnson graph will serve as an 'ambient space' for all the matroids on ground set E and of rank r. In what follows, we will write G := J(E, r).