“…It has been known since the early studies of Yoshimura (1939) that deep chlorophyll maxima (DCM) tend to occur in lakes of low to moderate fertility when water column transparency allows light to penetrate into or below the thermocline. DCM have been reported in natural lakes worldwide, including Africa (Descy et al 2010), Asia (Ichimura et al 1968, Lohman et al 1988, Kim and Takamura 2002, Europe (Ilmavirta 1988, Jones 1991, all 5 of the Laurentian Great Lakes (Barbiero and Tuchman 2001), diverse natural lakes throughout North America (Pick et al 1984, deNoyelles and Likens 1985, Konopka 1989, Gross et al 1997, South America (de Matos Bicudo et al 2009), and Tasmania (Croome and Tyler 1984). DCM also have been reported in artificial freshwater impoundments where sufficient light is available in the upper metalimnion to allow in situ phytoplankton growth (e.g., Knowlton and Jones 1989).…”