Values are presented for the following thermodynamic properties for acetylene, propyne (methylacetylene), I-butyne (ethylacetylene), 2-butyne (dimethylacetylene), 1-pentyne (n-propylacetylene), 2-pentyne (methylethylacetylene), and 3-methyl-l-butyne (isopropylacetylene), in the gaseous state, to 1, 500° K: The heat-content function, (HO-HOo)/T; the free-energy function, (F°-HOo) / T; the entropy, So; the heat content, HO-Hoo; the heat capacity, Cpo; the heat of format ion from the elements, AHjO; the free energy of formation from the elements, AFjO; and the logarithm of the equilibrium constant of formation from the elements, 10glO Kf. 1<. Equilibrium constants and concentrations of components are given in tabular and graphical form for the isomerization of the two butynes and of the three pentynes as a function of temperature to 1,500° K. Equilibrium constants are also given in tabular and graphical form for the dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene to acetylene, of propane to propylene to propyne, of n-butane to I-butene to 1-butyne, and of n-pentane to 1-pentene to I-pentyne.