The scaling of complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) transistors has led to the silicon dioxide layer used as a gate dielectric becoming so thin that the gate leakage current becomes too large. This led to the replacement of SiO 2 by a physically thicker layer of a higher dielectric constant or 'high-K' oxide such as hafnium oxide. Intensive research was carried out to develop these oxides into high quality electronic materials. In addition, the incorporation of Ge in the CMOS transistor structure has been employed to enable higher carrier mobility and performance. This review covers both scientific and technological issues related to the high-K gate stack-the choice of oxides, their deposition, their structural and metallurgical behaviour, atomic diffusion, interface structure, their electronic structure, band offsets, electronic defects, charge trapping and conduction mechanisms, reliability, mobility degradation and oxygen scavenging to achieve the thinnest oxide thicknesses. The high K oxides were implemented in conjunction with a replacement of polcryslliane Si gate electrodes with metal gates. The strong metallurgical interactions between the gate electrodes and the HfO 2 which resulted an unstable gate threshold voltage resulted in the use of the lower temperature 'gate last' process flow, in addition to the standard 'gate first' approach. Work function control by metal gate electrodes and by oxide dipole layers is discussed. The problems associated with high K oxides on Ge channels are also discussed. Glossary ALD atomic layer deposition CB conduction band CBO conduction band offset CMOS complimentary metal oxide semiconductor CNL charge neutrality level CV capacitance voltage CVD chemical vapour deposition DB dangling bond DOS density of states EA electron affinity ECT equivalent capacitance thickness EOT equivalent oxide thickness ESR electron spin resosnance EWF effective work function FET field effect transistor GGA generalised gradient approximation LDA local density approximation MEIS medium energy ion scattering MIGS metal induced gap states MOCVD metla organic chemical vapour deposition MOS metal oxide semiconductor MOSFET metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor MOx arbitrary metal oxide NMOS n-type MOS PMOS p-type MOS RCS remote Coulombic scattering RPS remote phonon scattering SBH Schottky barrier height TAT trap assisted tunnelling T inv inversion thickness Vt threshold voltage (of FET) Vfb flat band voltage VB valence band VBO valence band offset WF work function