Let k be a field finitely generated over Q and p a prime. The torsion conjecture (resp. p-primary torsion conjecture) for abelian varieties over k predicts that the k-rational torsion (resp. the p-primary k-rational torsion) of a d-dimensional abelian variety A over k should be bounded only in terms of k and d. These conjectures are only known for d = 1. The p-primary case was proved by Y. Manin, in 1969; the general case was completed by L. Merel, in 1996, after a series of contributions by B. Mazur, S. Kamienny and others. Due to the fact that moduli of elliptic curves are 1-dimensional, the d = 1 case of the torsion conjecture (resp. p-primary torsion conjecture) is closely related to the following. For any k-curve S and elliptic scheme E → S, the k-rational torsion (resp. the p-primary k-rational torsion) is uniformly bounded in the fibres E s , s ∈ S(k). In this paper, we extend this result in the p-primary case to arbitrary abelian schemes over curves.More precisely, we prove the following. Denote by k the absolute Galois group of k. For an abelian variety A over k and a character χ : k → Z * p , define A[p ∞ ](χ ) to be the module of p-primary torsion of A(k) on which k acts as χ -multiplication. Assume that χ does not appear as a subrepresentation of the p-adic representation associated with an abelian variety over k. Then A[p ∞ ](χ ) is always finite, but the exponent of A[p ∞ ](χ ) may de-