Combining two classical notions in extremal combinatorics, the study of Ramsey-Turán theory seeks to determine, for integers m ≤ n and p ≤ q, the number RT p (n, K q , m), which is the maximum size of an n-vertex K q -free graph in which every set of at least m vertices contains a K p .Two major open problems in this area from the 80s ask: (1) whether the asymptotic extremal structure for the general case exhibits certain periodic behaviour, resembling that of the special case when p = 2; (2) constructing analogues of Bollobás-Erdős graphs with densities other than 1/2.We refute the first conjecture by witnessing asymptotic extremal structures that are drastically different from the p = 2 case, and address the second problem by constructing Bollobás-Erdős-type graphs using high dimensional complex spheres with all rational densities. Some matching upper bounds are also provided.