SUMMARYThis paper is addressed to obtaining global models for the circuit realization of a given linear multiport implemented using operational amplifiers. It is conventional to consider a linear characterization for such multiports, the consequence being a restricted validity for the model. In other words, this model is meaningful only for inputs that do not lead any operational amplifier into saturation. It is a serious drawback, mainly when the linear n-port has to be embedded of the actual circuit can be very inaccurate leading to problems that cannot be explained by a linear model.In the work reported herein, two main results must be remarked. One is the procedure for developing explicit global descriptions for two general circuit topologies. The other is concerned with the dependence existing between the circuit topology and the type of model to be deprived. In that sense, it is interesting to note the close relation of our global models with the canonical piecewise-linear descriptions derived in Reference 12. Extension to piecewise polynomial models is also considered in some detail.