Scintillation is defined as random fluctuations in the radio signal amplitude and/or phase caused by irregularities in the refractive index of the medium. In the context of the Global Positioning System (GPS) operating at the L1 (1.57542 MHz) and L2 (1.2276 MHz) frequencies, the major cause is irregularities or waves in the ionospheric plasma density. GPS scintillations are traditionally divided into phase and amplitude scintillations. Phase scintillations are generally thought to be caused by irregularities with scale sizes above the Fresnel radius r F , which is ∼400 m for the GPS L1 frequency and for the altitude of 350 km (e.g., Kintner et al., 2007). In contrast, amplitude scintillations are assumed to be caused by irregularities at scales at and below r F . At high latitudes, the primary altitudinal source region for scintillation-producing irregularities is thought to be the ionospheric F-region where large-scale structures such as polar patches or tongues-of-ionization can produce significant phase scintillation (e.g., van der Meeren et al., 2014). This traditional paradigm has been recently challenged by direct density measurements with incoherent scatter radars (ISRs) that demonstrated that some, and perhaps most, phase scintillation events are associated with enhanced E-region densities (Forte et al., 2017;Loucks et al., 2017;Sreenivash et al., 2020). This means that altitudinal source regions of ionospheric scintillation have not yet been identified conclusively.Scintillation observations are traditionally conducted using amplitude and phase scintillation metrics known as S 4 and σ ϕ (e.g., Kintner et al., 2007). These are normally computed by using time averages of high-rate measurements, for example, 50-Hz measurements are processed to produce 60-s or 100-s averaged values of S 4 and σ ϕ . The high-rate measurements are not available, however, for all GPS receiver stations, and often various scintillation proxies are used that only require measurements of the total electron content (TEC) at a lower resolution, for example, at 1 Hz. One such proxy is based on the rate of TEC change index (ROTI), and although the relationship between ROTI and traditional scintillation metrics is yet to be established conclusively, some previous studies found significant correlations, particularly with S 4 at low latitudes (Carrano et al., 2019) and with σ ϕ at high latitudes (Prikryl et al., 2013). Despite wider availability