While many classes of cutting-planes are at the disposal of integer programming solvers, our scientific understanding is far from complete with regards to cutting-plane selection, i.e., the task of selecting a portfolio of cutting-planes to be added to the LP relaxation at a given node of the branch-and-bound tree. In this paper we review the different classes of cutting-planes available, known theoretical results about their relative strength, important issues pertaining to cut selection, and discuss some possible new directions to be pursued in order to accomplish cutting-plane selection in a more principled manner. Finally, we review some lines of work that we undertook to provide a preliminary theoretical underpinning for some of the issues related to cut selection. * santanu.dey@isye.gatech.edu † molinaro@inf.puc-rio.brIn particular, general-purpose cutting-planes were seen as mostly of theoretical interest. However, in the mid 90s a breakthrough came with a series of papers by Balas, Ceria, Cornuéjols, and Natraj, where they obtained striking computational results using Gomory Mixed Integer cuts and the then newly discovered Lift-and-Project cuts, within the branch-and-bound framework [29,30]. These papers show the efficacy of general-purpose cutting-planes, when properly selected and employed.Today, even more families of cutting-planes are known. While we do not attempt to survey the vast literature on cutting-planes, we discuss the broad perspectives from which they are derived, with some representative examples.and therefore valid inequalities for P \ (int(Q) × R q ) are valid for P ∩ (Z n × R q ). We call such cuts geometric cuts. A set Q is a maximal lattice-free convex set if it is lattice-free, convex, and no other lattice-free convex set properly contains it. A beautiful structural result is that all maximal lattice-free convex sets are polyhedral [169,38]. Note that when Q is a polyhedral} one can generate a geometric cut by ensuring its validity for all the disjunctions identified with the facets of Q, i.e.,Famous geometric cuts include the Chvátal-Gomory (CG) cuts [131,65,164,120], implied bounds [145], and more generally split cuts [27,85,34]. For all these cuts, the underlying lattice-free set is the so-called split set: {x ∈ R n | π 0 ≤ π ⊤ x ≤ π 0 + 1}, where π 0 ∈ Z and π ∈ Z n . More general geometric cuts include cuts from maximal lattice-free convex sets [12,62] (see the excellent survey [39]) and the closely related intersection cuts developed by Balas in 1970s [25]. Geometric cuts called multi-branch split cuts [165,99,104] are based on non-convex lattice-free sets obtained as the union of split sets.Structured relaxations. Given a mixed-integer set P ∩ (Z n × R q ), the basic idea is to construct a relaxation of P , say R ⊇ P , and analyze the mixed-integer set R ∩ (Z n × R q ). Valid inequalities for the relaxation then serve as cutting-planes for the original set, and the additional structure of R eases the search for facets or strong inequalities. Two excellent review articles discu...