Let p be an odd prime and q = p m , where m is a positive integer. Let ζ be a primitive qth root of unity, and O q be the ring of integers in the cyclotomic field Q(ζ ). We prove that if O q = Z[α] and gcd(h + q , p(p − 1)/2) = 1, where h + q is the class number of Q(ζ + ζ −1 ), then an integer translate of α lies on the unit circle or the line Re(z) = 1/2 in the complex plane. Both are possible since O q = Z[α] if α = ζ or α = 1/(1 + ζ ). We conjecture that, up to integer translation, these two elements and their Galois conjugates are the only generators for O q , and prove that this is indeed the case when q = 25.