A theoretical investigation is made of the Mossbauer spectrum in crystals containing exchange coupled magnetic ions. It is shown that for a Lorentz shape of the Mossbauer line the line broadening, the Debye-Waller factor describing the intensity of the Mossbauer spectrum, and the line shift depend on the value of exchange interaction of magnetic ions and on the degree of spin-system ordering. TeOpeTMYeCKII m y~e~ MeCC6ayapOBCKklfi cnemp B HpmcTannax, coaepxaupix nopeHueuoi @IOPMEJ MeCC6ay3pOBCKOfi JMHHII yumpenne, Gamop Ae6a~-Bannepa, MarHMTHble klOHbI, CBR3aHHbIe 06MeHHblM B3aHMODe6CTBMeM. rIOHa3aH0, YTO HJIR OIlHCblBalO~M8 MHTeHCkl BHOCTb ~e c c 6 a y s p o~c~o r o CIleKTpa II C n B A r JIkiHllM 8aBUCflT OT BeJIHYMHbI 06MeHHOI'O B3aHMOAefiCTBWR MarHHTHbIX HOHOB H YIIOpflHOYeHMR Cn€IH-CMCTeMbI.