We consider the problem of deciding if a set of quantum one-qudit gates S = {U1, . . . , Un} is universal. We provide the compact form criteria leading to a simple algorithm that allows deciding universality of any given set of gates in a finite number of steps. Moreover, for a non-universal S our criteria indicate what type of gates can be added to S to turn it into a universal set.Universal quantum gates play an important role in quantum computing and quantum optics [15,24,30]. The ability to effectively manufacture gates operating on many modes, using for example optical networks that couple modes of light [9,29], is a natural motivation to consider the universality problems not only for qubits but also for higher dimensional systems, i.e. qudits (see also [27,28] for fermionic linear optics and quantum metrology). For quantum computing with qudits, a universal set of gates consists of all one-qudit gates together with an additional two-qudit gate that does not map separable states onto separable states [10] (see [11,[35][36][37] for recent results in the context of universal Hamiltonians). The set of all one-qudit gates can be, however, generated using a finite number of gates [23]. We say that one-qudit gates S = {U 1 , . . . , U n } ⊂ SU (d) are universal if any gate from SU (d) can be built, with an arbitrary precision, using gates from S. It is known that almost all sets of qudit gates are universal, i.e. non-universal sets S of the given cardinality are of measure zero and can be characterised by vanishing of a finite number of polynomials in the gates entries and their conjugates [17,23]. Surprisingly, however, these polynomials are not known and it is hard to find operationally simple criteria that decide one-qudit gates universality. Some special cases of optical 3-mode gates have been recently studied in [5,32] and the approach providing an algorithm for deciding universality of a given set of quantum gates that can be implemented on a quantum automata has been proposed [13] (see also [1,2,14] for algorithms deciding if a finitely generated group is infinite). The main obstruction in the problems considered in [5,32] is the lack of classification of finite subgroups of SU (d) for d > 4. Nevertheless, as we show in this paper one can still provide some reasonable conditions for universality of one-qudit gates without this knowledge.The efficiency of universal sets is typically measured by the number of gates that are needed to approximate other gates with a given precision ǫ. The Solovay-Kitaev theorem states that all universal sets are roughly the same efficient. More precisely, the number of gates needed to approximate any gate U ∈ SU (d) is bounded by O(log c (1/ǫ)) [26], where c may depend only on d and c ≥ 1. Recently there has been a bit of flurry in the * E-mail: a.sawicki@cft.edu.pl, karnas@cft.edu.pl area of single qubit gates [3,21,22,34] showing that using some number theoretic results and conjectures one can construct universal sets with c = 1. The approach presented in these contribution...