Abstract. The stability of fractional standard and positive continuous-time linear systems with state matrices in integer and rational powers is addressed. It is shown that the fractional systems are asymptotically stable if and only if the eigenvalues of the state matrices satisfy some conditions imposed on the phases of the eigenvalues. The fractional standard systems are unstable if the state matrices have at least one positive eigenvalue.Key words: stability, fractional, positive, linear, continuous-time, system, integer, rational, order.
Stability of fractional positive continuous-time linear systemswith state matrices in integer and rational powers The following notation will be used: ℜ -the set of real numbers, ℜ n×m -the set of n×m real matrices, ℜ + n×m -the set of n×m real matrices with nonnegative entries and ℜ + n = ℜ + n×1 , M n -the set of n×n Metzler matrices (real matrices with nonnegative off-diagonal entries), I n -the n×n identity matrix.
PreliminariesConsider the fractional autonomous continuous-time linear system BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES TECHNICAL SCIENCES, Vol. XX, No. Y, 2016 DOI: 10.1515/bpasts-2016 Stability of fractional positive continuous-time linear systems with state matrices in integer and rational powers