We tabulate the atomic mass excesses and nuclear ground-state deformations of 8979 nuclei ranging from 16 O to A = 339. The calculations are based on the finite-range droplet macroscopic model and the folded-Yukawa single-particle microscopic model. Relative to our 1981 mass table the current results are obtained with an improved macroscopic model, an improved pairing model with a new form for the effective-interaction pairing gap, and minimization of the ground-state energy with respect to additional shape degrees of freedom. The values of only 9 constants are determined directly from a least-squares adjustment to the ground-state masses of 1654 nuclei ranging from 16 O to 263 106 and to 28 fission-barrier heights. The error of the mass model is 0.669 MeV for the entire region of nuclei considered, but is only 0.448 MeV for the region above N = 65.