Metal gate technology is one of the most important methods used to increase the low on-current of tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs). However, metal gates have different work-functions for each grain during the deposition process, resulting in work-function variation (WFV) effects, which means that the electrical characteristics vary from device to device. The WFV of a planar TFET, double-gate (DG) TFET, and electron-hole bilayer TFET (EHBTFET) were examined by technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulations to analyze the influences of device structure and to find strategies for suppressing the WFV effects in TFET. Comparing the WFV effects through the turn-on voltage (Vturn-on) distribution, the planar TFET showed the largest standard deviation (σVturn-on) of 20.1 mV, and it was reduced by −26.4% for the DG TFET and −80.1% for the EHBTFET. Based on the analyses regarding metal grain distribution and energy band diagrams, the WFV of TFETs was determined by the number of metal grains involved in the tunneling current. Therefore, the EHBTFET, which can determine the tunneling current by all of the metal grains where the main gate and the sub gate overlap, is considered to be a promising structure that can reduce the WFV effect of TFETs.