Source of materialThe synthesis was performed from pure elements: lanthanum (Ames, 99.995 wt %), gallium (Chempur, 99.999 wt %) and antimony (Chempur, 99.9999 wt %). Initially La and Ga were arcmelted in the atomic ratio 1:1. The mixture of LaGa precursor with excess of Sb (1:15) was put into glassy carbon crucible, sealed in tantalum container and enclosed in aquartz tube. The following thermal treatment was carried out: heating to 1000°C within 5h ,a nnealing at this temperature for 170 h, cooling to 500°Cwith the rate 4°C/h and subsequent annealing at this temperature for 35 days. The Sb excess was removed by sublimation at 500°Cunder vacuum.