The CsH volume is measured in dependence on pressure up to 35 kbar. A structural NaCl to CSCI type transition associated with a volume jump of 8.6% is found at a pressure of about 6.5 kbar.The T -P phase diagram of CsH is plotted in the temperature range 200 to 525 K. The high pressure phase a t liquid nitrogen teniperature remains metastable down to atmospheric pressure.The lattice parameter of this phase is a = 3.820 A a t 100eK and atmospheric pressure, the lattice parameter of the initial (NaCI type) phase is a = 6.365 A under the same conditions.
I.13~epe~a ~~BA C M M O C T~ rnnpUna ue3m OT DaBneHm no 35 kbar. npti naBneHHu h' CsCl ~~n y u co cKagKoM o 6 % e~a S,6y0. B nmep6ane TenInepaTyp 200 no 525 K nocTpoeHa T-P HuarpaMnfa CsH . Qa3a BbicoKoro namemm n p~ BOTHO OW TeMnepaType MeTacTa6Hnb~a BnnoTb AO P = 1 atm. HapaMeTp peurenia 3~0 f i npki 100 K u aTMoc(IepHoM nasneHnU a = 3,820 A , napaMeTp penreTKn cocyqecmyroqefi c Hefi M C X O A H O~~ (mna NaCI) (Ia3b1 a = 6,365 A. OICOJIO 6,5 kbar 0 6~a p y r n e~ (Ia3OBblfi nepexon C U3MeHeHUeM CTpYKTYpbI OT NaCl THna