This special issue contains selected papers of the VOCAL-2012, and the XXX. Hungarian Operations Research Conferences that went through the usual refereeing process according to the policy of CEJOR. These OR conferences took place again at Veszprém, December 11–14, 2012, and Balaton ̋ oszöd, 13–15 June, 2013, respectively. The primary organizer of the latter meeting was the Hungarian Operations Research Society (HORS), collaborating with the János Bolyai Mathematical Society and the Hungarian Society for Economic Modeling (HSEM). The chairman of the earlier orga- nizing committee was Bertók Botond. The number of participants was around 80 and 120, respectively. VOCAL-2012 had 3 plenary speakers, 2 plenary tutorial talks and over 60 contributed talks in two parallel sessions. The scientific program of the other meeting comprehended three plenary talks and 75 contributed presentations in two parallel sessions. The language of the conference was Hungarian. More information can be found at the home pages and http://www. (the latter in Hungarian)