Fundamental aspects of the cooperative Jahn-Teller effect are investigated using density functional theory in the generalized gradient approximation. LiNiO 2 , LiMnO 2 , and LiCuO 2 are chosen as candidate materials as they possess small, intermediate, and large cooperative Jahn-Teller distortions, respectively. The cooperative distortion is decomposed into the symmetrized-strain modes and kϭ0 optical phonons, revealing that only the E g and A 1g strain modes and E g and A 1g kϭ0 optical-phonon modes participate in the cooperative distortion. The first-principles results are then used to find values for the cooperative Jahn-Teller stabilization energy and the electron-strain and electron-phonon coupling. It is found that the dominant source of anisotropy arises from the third-order elastic contributions, rather than second-order vibronic contributions. Additionally, the importance of higher-order elastic coupling between the E g and A 1g modes is identified, which effectively causes expansion of A 1g-type modes and allows for a larger E g distortion. Finally, the strain anisotropy induced by the antiferromagnetically ordered states is shown to cause a significant difference in the cooperative Jahn-Teller stabilization energy for the different orientations of the cooperative distortion.