Institute of Semiconductors, Acac7emy ofSciences o] the Ckrniniccn S S R , K i e ~l ) Mechanisms Responsible for Anisotropy of Thermal E.M.F. in Semiconductors BY P. I. BARANSKII, I. S. Uur)a, and I-. V. SAVYAK Contents 1. Inti*oductiotb 2 . Mechanisms of origination of thewnu1 e.m.f. anisotropy i n semiconductors
Effect of uniaxial strain on thermoelectric pi*opei4tirs of wiany-valkFj seniicondu(*turs(piexothermal e.m.f. anisotropy)
. Eddy thermoelectric currents in thei.naoelect,,ically anisotropic media and some issues of thermodynamics of anisoti*opir thermodements
Most important characteristics of traditional thermoelectrically anisotropic rtiuteiSicils ( l'A M )
l'hevmoelectrical characteristics of naatcy-valley ( n -C e t y p e ) semiconductors tinder conditions of manifestation of one valle?j