This section is intendedprimarily for rapiddissemination of brief reports on new research results in technical areas of interest to IEEE members.Contributions are reviewed immediately, and acceptance is determined by timeliness and importance of the subject, and brevity and clarity of the presentation.
Contributions should be submitted in triplicate to the Editor, PROCEED-INGS OF THE IEEE, 345 East abstract of 50 words or less is required for information retrieval purposes. Original jigures should be included. The length should be limited to not more than jive double-spaced typewritten pages, counting each illustration as half a page. Instructions covering abbreviations, the form for references, general style, and the preparation of jigures are found in "Information for IEEEA bstroct--llre letter describes a new type of extremely compact Ltehing switchable ferrite jlectioa eircalrtor that is well spited for applicatiom reqoiriag fast (aaproximately two ~XOWCO&), b w s e e r g y (tes of &