For a commutative ring R with identity, the ideal-based zero-divisor graph,
denoted by ?I (R), is the graph whose vertices are {x ? R\I|xy ? I for
some y ? R\I}, and two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only
if xy?I. In this paper, we investigate an annihilator ideal-based
zero-divisor graph, denoted by ?Ann(M)(R), by replacing the ideal I with
the annihilator ideal Ann(M) for an R-module M. We also study the
relationship between the diameter of ?Ann(M) (R) and the minimal prime
ideals of Ann(M). In addition, we determine when ?Ann(M)(R) is complete.
In particular, we prove that for a reduced R-module M, ?Ann(M) (R) is a
complete graph if and only if R ? Z2?Z2 and M ? M1?M2 for M1
and M2 nonzero Z2-modules.