In this paper we study boundedness of bundle diffeomorphism groups over a circle. For a fiber bundle π : M → S 1 with fiber N and structure group Γ and r ∈ Z ≥0 ∪ {∞} we distinguish an integer k = k(π, r) ∈ Z ≥0 and construct a function ν : Diffπ(M )0 → R k . When k ≥ 1, it is shown that the bundle diffeomorphism group Diffπ(M )0 is uniformly perfect and clbπ Diff r π (M )0 ≤ k + 3, if Diffρ,c(E)0 is perfect for the trivial fiber bundle ρ : E → R with fiber N and structure group Γ. On the other hand, when k = 0, it is shown that ν is a unbounded quasimorphism, so that Diffπ(M )0 is unbounded and not uniformly perfect. We also describe the integer k in term of the attaching map φ for a mapping torus π : M φ → S 1 and give some explicit examples of (un)bounded groups.