The object of our investigation is a point that gives the maximum value of a potential with a strictly decreasing radially symmetric kernel. It defines a center of a body in R m . When we choose the Riesz kernel or the Poisson kernel as the kernel, such centers are called an r α−m -center or an illuminating center, respectively.The existence of a center is easily shown but the uniqueness does not always hold. Sufficient conditions of the uniqueness of a center have been studied by some researchers. The main results in this paper are some new sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of a center of a body. , 26B25. points of the line segments OP , P Q and QO, respectively. We remark that the minimal unfolded region of Ω is contained in △ABC (see Example 2.5).We identify the notation z j for the j-th coordinate with the function z j : R 2 ∋ (z 1 , z 2 ) → z j ∈ R. We denote the point R θ P by P θ , for short, and so on.We have to consider the following eleven cases about the position of R θ Ω (see Figure 9 to 19):Case I The rotation angle θ is non-negative.and the slope of the line P θ Q θ is non-positive. Case I.3.2 0 ≤ z 1 (B θ ) ≤ z 1 (A θ ) and the slope of the line P θ Q θ is non-negative. Case I.4.1 z 1 (B θ ) ≤ 0 ≤ z 1 (A θ ) and the slope of the line P θ Q θ is non-positive. Case I.4.2 z 1 (B θ ) ≤ 0 ≤ z 1 (A θ ) and the slope of the line P θ Q θ is non-negative.Case II The rotation angle θ is non-positive.Case II.2.1 z 1 (A θ ) ≤ z 1 (C θ ) ≤ z 1 (P θ ) and the slope of the line OQ θ is non-negative.Case II.2.2 z 1 (A θ ) ≤ z 1 (C θ ) ≤ z 1 (P θ ) and the slope of the line OQ θ is non-positive.Case II.3.1 z 1 (P θ ) ≤ z 1 (C θ ) and the slope of the line OQ θ is non-negative.Case II.3.2 z 1 (P θ ) ≤ z 1 (C θ ) and the slope of the line OQ θ is non-positive.