We show that there is a red-blue colouring of [N ] with no blue 3-term arithmetic progression and no red arithmetic progression of length e C(log N ) 3/4 (log log N ) 1/4 . Consequently, the twocolour van der Waerden number w(3, k) is bounded below by k b(k) , where b(k) = c log k log log k 1/3 . Previously it had been speculated, supported by data, that w(3, k) = O(k 2 ). Contents Part I. Introduction 1. Statement of results and history 2. Overview and structure the paper 3. Notation and conventions Part II. A red/blue colouring of [N ] 4. Random ellipsoidal annuli 5. The colouring. Outline proof of the main theorem Part III. Monochromatic progressions 6. No blue 3-term progressions 7. Diophantine conditions 8. The first step -red progressions enter balls 9. The second step -red progressions hit annuli Part IV. Multidimensional structure and geometry of numbers 10. Preliminaries on volume 11. Non-concentration on subspaces 12. Geometry of numbers 13. Comparison of two distributions on quadratic forms 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary . The author is supported by a Simons Investigator grant and is grateful to the Simons Foundation for their continued support.Part I. Introduction
Statement of results and historyLet k 3 be a positive integer. Write w(3, k) (sometimes written w(2; 3, k)) for the smallest N such that the following is true: however [N] = {1, . . . , N} is coloured blue and red, there is either a blue 3term arithmetic progression or a red k-term arithmetic progression. The celebrated theorem of van der Waerden implies that w(3, k) is finite; the best upper bound currently known is due to Schoen [14], who proved that for large k one has w(3, k) < e k 1−c for some constant c > 0. This also follows from the celebrated recent work of Bloom and Sisask [3] on bounds for Roth's theorem.There is some literature on lower bounds for w(3, k). Brown, Landman and Robertson [4] showed that w(3, k) ≫ k 2− 1 log log k , and this was subsequently improved by Li and Shu [11] to w(3, k) ≫ (k/ log k) 2 , the best bound currently in the literature. Both of these papers use probabilistic arguments based on the Lovász Local Lemma.Computation or estimation of w(3, k) for small values of k has attracted the interest of computationally-inclined mathematicians. In [4] one finds, for instance, that w(3, 10) = 97, whilst in Ahmed, Kullmann and Snevily [1] one finds the lower bound w(3, 20) 389 (conjectured to be sharp) as well as w(3, 30) 903. This data suggests a quadratic rate of growth, and indeed Li and Shu state as an open problem to prove or disprove that w(3, k) ck 2 , whilst in [1] it is conjectured that w(3, k) = O(k 2 ). Brown, Landman and Robertson are a little more circumspect and merely say that it is "of particular interest whether or not there is a polynomial bound for w(3, k)". I should also admit that